Katherine McPhee Opens Up About Bulimia (And Shares Her Workout)

Katherine McPhee Opens Up About Bulimia (And Shares Her Workout)  katherine mcphee

3 in 1: Katherine McPhee talks about her bulimic past, shares her workout… and poses in a bikini on the cover of Shape Magazine.

From US Weekly:

“The more I focused on my weight, the worse my bulimia got,” says the American Idol runner-up, 25. “Now I’m more easygoing. I stopped fighting myself and became more forgiving of my body. Ironically, the weight came off naturally through exercise but no dieting.”

McPhee says she no longer pays attention to how many pounds she weighs.

“At my last physical, the nurse took my vitals and said, ‘Wow, you must be taking care of yourself! Your blood pressure is perfect. You’re very healthy,’” she says. “Hearing her say that made me feel better then seeing an ‘ideal’ number on the scale.”

See Katherine’s workout with pictures on the next page!

Katherine McPhee Opens Up About Bulimia (And Shares Her Workout)  katherine mcphee

Katherine McPhee Opens Up About Bulimia (And Shares Her Workout)  katherine mcphee

Katherine McPhee Opens Up About Bulimia (And Shares Her Workout)  katherine mcphee

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